White Minority

Afrofuturism meets dystopia in this social satire about a 16-year-old white girl chasing her dreams in a world that rejects her.

Two hundred fifty years has passed since the AEXT-V4 pandemic killed off ninety-nine percent of the White American population.

Tansy is a descendant of the 1%, the American elite who survived. She lives an envied and privileged life in the rapidly decaying isolation domes her ancestors built. When her grandfather says it’s time to leave the domes, will she choose to stay behind? Or venture out into a world of unknowns, where rumors of an incurable disease and hostile people run rampant?

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About Me

Talia Clay writes YA speculative fiction and science fiction.

Talia has been writing for more than fifteen years. She started writing in and hoarding journals when she was nine years old. She graduated to writing poetry in high school and then college, where she got her BA in Creative Writing at the University of Miami. (And Psychology because every good writer needs to know about people, right?)