messy, bedroom, home

Please forgive the mess…

I switched website hosts at the start of 2020, and like everything else this year, things have been sort of rocky on the site. (READ: very, very slow). You may have noticed that I changed my website design earlier this year. And here I go again… I’m praying a third time wont be necessary. However, a couple of days ago, I found out my new & current WordPress theme is getting punished for violating terms with WordPress. Not exactly sure how their punishment is going to impact end-users like me directly, but it’s 2020, stranger things have happened.

Anyway, hopefully this new website design is here to stay. I really like all the customization I’m able to do.

That being said, to address the website slowness I experienced after the migration, I had to start a clean slate. Scrap the whole site and build a new one. And that’s why many of the images from blog posts are missing. I updated the most recent ones. And I will continue to update them manually, and gradually, over time.

I don’t advocate overwork.

Anyway. Thanks for sticking with me.

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