Job Applications, Clips, and Freelancing?

If I want a career that grants me the flexibility to stay home and work during the hours that I choose, I’m going to have to develop a little bit more self-discipline. There a few things that I’m supposed to be working on.  This site trazzler– I have to write an audition piece for them.  And then, I’m supposed to be checking the Associated Content site for potential assignments. Then, once I get published, I’ll have some clips!!! For now, it’s just my good old friend Mr. Blog.

What exactly have a done the last few days??  I’ve sent in a few job applications;  made a couple of phone calls to places I’ve already sent job applications, and run a couple of errands.  But the other 80 percent of the time I’ve pretty much just goofed off.   This is what unemployment can do to a person. I’ve been feeling kind of useless. I mean, I want to go to work. I want assignments, I want to be productive.

As awesome as it would be to be a full-time freelance writer, I’m not sure that type of work is best suited for my personality.  I need deadlines, and structure.  I want to be able to do things my way, but I still need some sort of guidelines.  And no, making a flimsy schedule in a planner won’t help.  Been there, done that.

I suppose for the rest of the afternoon I’m going to try to write– because once I get my clips, I can build a portfolio and make myself more marketable to prospective employers.

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